The day has come.
After six months of waiting, the day is finally here.
On Tuesday, June 4, during a last period homeroom, the juniors, sophomores and freshman of Staples will get their schedules for next year.
According to Christine Gray, a guidance counselor, students will get a set of rules for changing schedules that Assistant Principal James Farnen will explain on Tuesday.
This is the culmination of a scheduling process that began a long time ago.
Six months ago, in January, students walked into English class expecting it to be a normal day, but they could not be more wrong. That day, the teacher handed out their course catalogs.
The next couple of months were spent choosing their classes and getting teacher recommendations for classes.
In February and March, students met with their guidance counselor and told them the classes they would like to take, hoping for the best.
Then, students just had to wait. Many grew anxious about scheduling. “I’m really nervous about the teachers,” Julia Saveliff ’16 said.
However, according to Gray, students getting their schedules is not a stressful process. “For a vast majority of the students, their schedules are set,” Gray said. “The only reason students come in are if a class is filled or there is a conflict in their schedule.”
Other students felt the same as Gray, that scheduling wasn’t stressful. “I just go with the flow,” Ben Catarevas ’16 said. “I get what I get.”