Eliza Llewellyn
Weston High School was evacuated Wed. afternoon due to a threatening note. State police conducted a bomb sweep in and around the building.
At around 12:30 this afternoon, Weston High School received a threatening note, prompting the school to enter lockdown mode and later evacuate students from the building, according to The Weston Forum.
The news outlet reported that Weston Police Chief John Troxell said the note contained a “specific threat to students and staff” but did not further elaborate.
A sophomore at Weston, Emily Olin, said that she was eating her lunch when several security guards came in and announced the school was in lockdown. She said that students remained in the kitchen for an hour and texted their friends.
“No one really knew what was happening,” Olin said in a text message. “And then the principal came in and told us that no one would ever hurt us, but we have to remain calm and listen to instructions.”
After the principal spoke, according to Olin, an announcement over the loudspeaker stated that the school would begin evacuating students. The announcement indicated that the north part of the school would go to the middle school and the south part of the school would go to the intermediate school, and that police officers would personally escort juniors and seniors to their cars.
The Weston Forum said in addition that state police conducted a bomb sweep in the building that included the use of explosive-sniffing dogs.
At around 2:45, Olin said that students were waiting for buses to take the them back to their houses.
“It was scary once we found out that there was a threat, but it was fine because they were really calm and good about ensuring us of our safety,” she said.