Eliza Llewellyn
An ambulance and fire engine arrived in response to an accident in the parking lot. The one-car accident reportedly involved English teacher Jesse Bauks.
A one-car accident in the Staples parking lot before school on Mon., Feb. 25, clogged North Ave. as half a dozen police and EMT vehicles arrived at the scene and blocked traffic just before the start of school. A faculty member, reportedly English teacher Jesse Bauks, drove his Toyota RAV-4 into a snowbank near a side entrance to the school.
Immediately after the accident, Bauks was taken by the Westport EMS to a Bridgeport hospital.
Bauks’ students did not receive any details regarding his accident from their substitute teachers through the day, and Principal John Dodig had no further information to contribute at press time. Neither Bauks nor English department chair Julie Heller could be reached for comment.
AP Government teacher Joseph Jelen, in class first period immediately following the accident, told his students that he was one of the first at the scene and ran to Bauks’ car, students in the class said. Jelen declined to comment.
Westport Now reported earlier today that a “medical condition” had led to the accident.