On Friday, May 6 from 7-9 p.m. in the Staples High School cafeteria, a group of talented musicians will be hosting a student concert to benefit the organization, Kids Empowered by Your Support (KEYS).
The musicians from Staples are all part of Tri- M, which is a chapter of the music honors society. This year the group wanted to give the musicians a chance to showcase their skills, as well as give back to the community by giving all proceeds raised from the event to KEYS.
“This service organization helps support music education in elementary schools in Bridgeport. Staples has specifically working at the Beardsley School,” Staff Advisor Nicholas Mariconda said.
Throughout the year, members have weekly visits at Beardsley and teach music skills to younger students interested in learning piano or string instruments. Starting with the basics is essential to continuing this program started by the KEYS organization.
“This organization brings individual and group instruction to under- served children in Bridgeport who have no other access to this empowering life experience,” Tri-M President Sam Small ’11 said.
Both Mariconda and the 10 students involved in Tri-M wished to involve the rest of the Staples community through a concert. They decided the essential difference of this concert from others, would be combining the concert with dinner.
“This concert style will allow for a more relaxed feeling and hopefully raise more funds,” Mariconda said.
The goal of the concert is to not only raise money for KEYS, but also allow students to share their talents with an audience from anywhere between 25 and 50 people. They feel this concert will work well since two years ago Tri-M established the idea of putting on a concert to benefit an organization.
“The first year we publicized really well for it, and had about 50 people watch, which raised a fair amount of money for Tri-M. We hope for the same this year, but for KEYS,” Tri-M member Chelsea Steinberg ’12 said.
The admission is $10 and all proceeds will go directly to the KEYS organization to help fund the music program.
“All the students are excited to raise money and all of them are very giving and talented,” Mariconda said.
Students and parents alike should stop by the cafeteria on Friday for an exciting show full of variety, from vocals to instrumentals.