Alix Neenan ’12
Features Editor

A crashed car greeted students when they arrived to school on Friday May 14. When they walked through the hallways, they would see an occasional bloodied-up face, complete with bruises, made with makeup of course, called “victims.” Victims represent those killed in drunk driving accidents.
Grim Reaper Day has been happening every year during prom season for the past seven years. It is sponsored by TAG (Teen Awareness Group) and its purpose is to discourage drinking and driving.
Grim Reaper Day also includes an assembly where students hear a story from someone who has been affected by a drunk driving accident, accompanied with a video made by TAG members where students and staff share their stories.
Chris Lemone, director of TAG, thinks that Grim Reaper Day works “on the short term.”
“As time goes on, no one will remember. You’ve got to try [though].”
Student victim Nicole Brill ’11, chose to be a victim because as she says, “it is important to show the consequences of drunk driving.”
Victims cannot talk the entire day, representing the silence of those killed in drunk driving accidents. Brill said it difficult to remain silent.
“It’s weird to think that if you died from drunk driving, then you would have to go through this,” said Brill. “Don’t do it!”
Editor’s Note: To read about a recent controversy surrounding Grim Reaper Day speaker Michelle Bassi, click here.
Westport Blogger • Jun 28, 2010 at 4:16 pm
Playboy may have issued her pictures a month before but the pictures most likely were taken a year or more back. And posing nude for playboy means you can’t take the death of her family seriously? Playboy is very mainstream these days and there is nothing wrong with nudity. I think it’s cool she got the opportunity to pose for Hef !! Hollerrr
Down Like A Clown Charlie Brown • May 20, 2010 at 12:09 pm
Well, even though her story is true (her family was killed) and that is in fact tragic, it’s hard to take her seriously because she was prominently featured on a softcore pornography website just a month before the presentation.
Evelyn • May 19, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Does that invalidate her comments?
Down Like A Clown Charlie Brown • May 19, 2010 at 1:13 pm
Lulz. Actually the guest speaker was a playboy web model.