Shannon Moss ’11 and Carlie Schwaeber ’12
Web News Editors

On January 12, 2010, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake devastated Haiti, killing an estimated 180,000 in Port-au-Prince alone. The earthquake left the country in ruins, destroying entire regions and causing an uproar of chaos throughout the nation. Although we are seas apart, Staples students have been affected by the tragedy as well. Briyana Theodore ’12 is one of them.
“I lost two aunts, two uncles, one cousin, my great grandfather, and two family friends,” said Theodore. As she explained her personal losses, Theodore expressed the importance of relief efforts to the people in Haiti.
The traumatic aftermath has left Haitians searching for food, water, shelter and other necessities in their struggle to survive. The long term reconstruction with rebuilding and revitalizing the society will come with time and effort, just as the world has seen in the past with other natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans. However, for now, Haiti and its people are concerned with the short term effects, such as illness, starvation, and other such effects.
Many organizations have come together in order to aid Haiti victims in their effort to survive. If you or someone you know is looking to help the people of Haiti, here are some ways to provide donations.