On Sept. 15, Bedford Middle School was recognized for academic excellence and designated as a "Blue Ribbon School".
Jon Foster ’10
Staff Writer

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in a national press conference Tuesday, Sept. 15 announced that Bedford Middle School had been chosen as a Blue Ribbon School for 2009, making the school one of the best in the country.
The Department of Education describes the Blue Ribbon as a program that “honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools that are either academically superior or have made dramatic gains in student achievement to high levels, especially among disadvantaged students. The program is part of a larger Department of Education effort to identify and disseminate knowledge about best school leadership and teaching practices.”
To be considered for this award a school must have placed in the top 10 percent on state or national assessments; or have shown dramatic improvement in student performance to high levels on state or national assessments.
Schools across the country can receive the Blue Ribbon with a nomination from The Chief State School Officer. Each state may nominate a set number of public schools based on the number of schools and students in the state. The Council for American Private Education (CAPE) nominates 50 private schools.
Once nominated, a school must fill out a brief application to be considered for the award. The application process focuses on academic results and research based instructional programs in order to identify educational practices that are successful at closing the achievement gap.
Bedford was one of 314 public and private schools achieved this status, out of more than 120,000 public and private schools in the nation.
On a more local level, Bedford was one of only 3 public and 5 non-public Connecticut schools selected for the Blue Ribbon award this year. Some of these schools include East Ridge Middle School in Ridgefield, and Greenwich Catholic School in Greenwich.
Bedford, along with all the other schools awarded, will receive this year’s Blue Ribbon award in ceremonies in Washington, D. C. on November 3, 2009.
In a letter home to Bedford parents, Principal Cary E. Bell mentions that there will be a celebration later in the year for the school’s achievement.
“Later this school year, after we receive the Blue Ribbon flag and plaque in November in Washington, the Bedford administration and faculty will plan an event where students and parents can celebrate our receiving this award,” Bell said.
Bedford looks to continue its success in the years to come, and maintain its superior status.