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With the removal of the computer science department due to budget cuts, computer science teacher Rob Rogers will be moving to the social studies department this year.
“It’s cool to be in a department bigger than one [person],” Rogers said. “It’s nice to have colleagues.”
In the 2009-10 school year, Rogers will be teaching two Western Humanities classes and three U.S. history classes. In fact, Rogers started his teaching career as a social studies teacher teaching western humanities about 10 years ago at Staples.
“Since I taught Western, it has gone through a curriculum change. It will be a little diff erent than I thought,” said Rogers.
According to Rogers, his adjustment to social studies teacher after years of teaching computer science will be similar to “getting back on a bicycle.” However, Rogers will miss the freedom of teaching a computer science class.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a situation where you can have indepth discussions around really meaningful things,” Rogers said.
Rogers will still have a role in the technology department in the school. He is co-chair of the Internet Technology Literacy (ITL) Center. Rogers will be in the ITL Center one period a day to help the students and faculty that use the center.
He will also be helping his colleagues with any technology issues they may have.