Turkey Bowl 2013
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About the Contributors

Adam Kaufman, Web Multimedia Editor
Adam Kaufman is a very kind and outgoing person who often puts others before himself. Adam was born in Dallas, Texas where he spent the first two years of his life. He then moved to Stamford, Connecticut and later to Westport when he was five. Adam attended Greens Farms Academy and transferred into Staples High School as a freshman. He is currently a senior and is a precedent to younger students. Since he transferred, Adam has been very active throughout the school and is involved in numerous clubs and organizations. He is on the executive board for both the Service League of Boys and Safe Rides where he dedicates his time to helping others. Last year, his determination and outgoing personality allowed him to excel at journalism and earn a key position within Inklings. Adam is the Web Multimedia Editor, where he creates animated GIFs for the bar at the top of the website for Inklings. He is a leader within the journalistic community at Staples, and often encourages younger students to be active for Inklings. He said, “Be as active and outgoing as possible in order to get the stories you want. It will make the writing more enjoyable and will improve your writing skills as a journalist.” Adam enjoys writing sports articles for the web because the articles are, “quick short deadlines and is often up to date. The revision process isn’t as long for the web as it is detailed and concise.” Adam played baseball for Varsity last year, but has decided to take the year off to focus on senior year and dedicate more time to the college process. Although Adam enjoys journalism as a passion, he views it more as a hobby rather than a career he would want to pursue as a profession.

Grayson Weir, Staff Writer
A senior this year, Grayson Weir ’14 joins Inklings with hopes of being as successful
a reporter as he is a volleyball player.
Although volleyball is his sport of choice, Weir broadened his horizons by watching
football and basketball as well. For Weir, a moment that rivals the thought of spiking a
winning shot on the court is getting a sports story of his published. Last year, he did just
that, on a sports website The Bleacher Report.
No stranger to challenges of all kinds, Weir was faced with a new game this past
summer— chasing chickens on a farm in Louisiana as a summer job.
“It was a huge culture shock from living in New England my whole life,” said Weir.
Despite his initial shock, Weir confesses he actually learned a thing or two about the
way his dinner gets to the table each night.
As taxing as running after farm animals were, this job definitely prepared him for
the tough preseason he came home to, as well as helped him fine tune the patience skills
necessary when covering a story. With some undeniably crazy experiences under his belt,
this year Weir said he is ready to tackle any story thrown his way