Staples athletes adapt to virtual workouts
Because not all students have access to weight sets, coaches have offered workouts that do not require equipment or that only require household items like a chair. They must get creative to see the same gains that they would be making back in the weight room.
Lifting and conditioning create an atmosphere of hard work, grit and passion at the center of athletics at Staples. While not actively playing a sport during these sessions, players can still improve their individual ability and strengthen their bond with a team by working out as a group.
In addition to online learning, Staples athletes are now faced with yet another obstacle as they must transition to virtual and at-home sports training.
Governor Ned Lamont announced that all club and team sports will not be able to play in Connecticut until Jan. 19 due to an uptick in COVID-19 cases. According to the Hartford Courant, “17 schools have had to close due to sports-related COVID-19 contact.”
In response to Staples moving online for school and the threat that in-person sports pose to spreading the virus, sports teams have been forced to change gears to do weight lifting and conditioning from home.
The boys’ lacrosse team has been following a three day-per-week program for lifting and conditioning this year. Given the new guidelines, the team has moved to a similar schedule on zoom.
“Lifting at home is obviously not the ideal situation for anyone,” Aedan Kiniry ’22 said. “But luckily we can still get the opportunity to continue to work and prepare for the season.”
Lifting coaches have put together five to 15 minute bodyweight circuits for the team to complete while all on a zoom call to best simulate the competitive nature of lifting.
While the lacrosse team is still in the offseason, the recent events have unfortunately led to the Staples football team’s season being cut short. They too have put together at-home exercise programs for athletes to complete and log independently.
“It sucks that we haven’t been together as a team,” Noah Hofstetter ’22 said. “But coach Groth has put together a great workout program into a new app we are all using, and hopefully with all this we can be really prepared and ready to play when that time comes.”
As with distance learning, athletes at Staples are forced to keep themselves focused and motivated when exercising at home without their coaches, trainers and fellow teammates to push them.
“Sitting at home and not competing against one and other while working out definitely hurts [the lifting experience],” Hofstetter said. “But once I got over that hump and started to really focus on improving, it hasn’t been that bad.”

Creative Director Aidan Rogers’ ’22 interest in Inklings was sparked by his fascination for sports journalism.
Since he first joined, Rogers has...