In 2020: The year of unpredictable, NFL Sundays provide a constant

NFL Redzone running seven hours of commercial free football as Staples students tune in.
This year has been a trip. Almost nothing has felt normal, and almost nothing is normal. Relying on normal aspects of life like school and after school sports and activities can prove to be a let down for a lot of Staples students. So many questions have been left unanswered. But in a year of uncertainty, there is still one thing that Staples students can rely on: NFL Sundays.
A large number of Staples students participate in the American tradition of sitting down and watching football on Sundays. It allows people to take a break and take a breath. With so much extra information and protocols Staples students have to follow this year, this break has actually provided a mental health boost for students around school.
“It kind of brings down my stress a little during the week just to know that I have something to look forward to on the weekend watching football on Sunday,” Carter Kelsey ’21 said.
Students have been looking for something to show signs that things are returning to normal in the world, and this is a clear one for them.
“It’s nice that there’s some things that are pretty normal when everything else is in chaos,” Charlotte Barnes ’21 said.
With COVID-19, SATs, school, sports and everything in between, it’s safe to say that the stress levels of students are at an all time high. Every day presents itself with new problems and guidelines. The NFL brings students back to a simpler time.
“When you throw on “Redzone” on Sunday at 1:00 and it reminds me of Sundays in past years,” Aidan Burchill ’21 said, “it makes me feel like everything is right in the world even though it isn’t.”