Staples girls’ track help fight COVID-19
Photo contributed from Lauren Spheeris ’21
When the individuals completed their miles for the day, they held up a sign and took a picture. In total, the team ran 190 miles.
Day after day, healthcare workers around the world are fighting this vicious virus: COVID-19. The doctors and nurses come out of the hospital with rigid marks all over their face from hours upon hours of helping patients. The Staples girls’ track team wanted to find a way to give back to the community, while also doing something they love.
On May 2, the girls’ track team all went on runs to help Stamford Hospital fight the COVID-19 crisis. Each participant got a sponsor(s) to donate a certain amount of money for each mile that they ran.
“Our team was inspired by other teams that have done fund-raising activities to help the cause,” Lauren Spheeris ’21 said. “We wanted to do our part by doing what we love.”
Each member of the team ran as many miles as they could throughout the day on Saturday. Their sponsors could decide how much money they would donate for each mile.
“For each mile that I ran, my immediate family, grandparents and friends donated to help the healthcare workers fight corona,” Spheeris said. “I was really happy that my grandparents ended up supporting me because they were not only proud of what I was doing, but also happy that their donations can affect more people and fight this virus.”
Another teammate, Eva Fitch ’21, received sponsors from a variety of individuals near and far. “My personal sponsors consisted of my family, extended family included, and family friends who were all extremely generous in their donations,” Fitch said. “I also was sponsored by a formal Staples track captain.”
Another sponsor to the whole team was the owner of Fleet Feet located in Westport. Fleet Feet is a running store that sells running shoes, running apparel and gear.
“It was super cool that we [the team] could get in touch with a local business that deals with running,” Spheeris said. “It was great that they not only supported the girls’ track team, but also supported Stamford hospital.”
The team collectively ran 190 miles, and each member of the team ran with the motivation of helping the healthcare workers constantly in their mind. The team raised more than $6,000, and each day, more donations are coming in from various friends and family.
“For most people on our team, they ran the most miles they have ever run in a day,” Spheeris said. “This event showed how motivated you can get when you aren’t just running for yourself. We were running to save lives.”

Maya Reiner ’21, web sports editor, was inspired by her older brother’s involvement and her love of politics and current events to join Inklings her...
Alan Godinez • May 11, 2020 at 8:39 am
This is pretty pog champs!