Ridgefield Tigers end the Wreckers undefeated season

Photo by John Nash
Under the Friday night lights on the Staples Stadium, the Staples Wreckers played the Ridgefield Tigers in the closest game of the season. On their senior night, the Wreckers lost by a mere four points in the last seconds of the game, ending with a final score of 27-31 bringing their undefeated season to an end.
This was a shocking outcome after the shutout on Homecoming night.
The Tiger’s had a lead throughout the first quarter of the game and widened that gap bringing the score to 14-0 by the end of the second quarter.
Much of the credit can be attributed to Drew Fowler (QB) and Colin Lowe (WR), on Ridgefield who played very well.
“Offensively, they threw the ball a lot out of that empty formation and we were really having trouble stopping them,” Daniel Thompson ’18 said.
It was during the third quarter that the Wreckers came back with a vengeance and finally scored a touchdown on Ridgefield. This was almost immediately followed by another touchdown and field goal from Ridgefield which brought the score to 24-77.
“We were able to get great field position and set us up for success,”Jonathon Maragos ’16 said. “At moments our offense was very explosive and made some big plays.”
Elliot Polley ’17 scored the last touchdown of the quarter.
After a mere eight seconds into the fourth quarter, a third and fourth touchdown were scored by the Wreckers and brought the Staples into the lead for the first time in the game.
However, Ridgefield was able to score once again then run out the clock before the Wreckers could gain another lead, making their record 3-2.
According to Thompson, “the team is just focused on getting healthy and getting ready to beat Saint Joe’s.”

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