Freshman Casparius excels on varsity
At the age of four, he played driveway basketball and backyard baseball with his dad. Throughout elementary and middle school, he was that standout player on his rec and travel teams the parents gawked at from the sidelines whispering, “I can’t believe he’s only ten. Wow.” Next came high school, and rec basketball pinnies and travel baseball jerseys were traded in for the widely coveted Staples Wreckers uniform.
Ben Casparius ’17, affectionately known to his teammates as “Benny the freshman,” is known throughout the varsity boys’ basketball and baseball teams.
As a third baseman for the baseball team and as a shooting guard for the basketball team, Casparius has executed important roles on both teams.
“Ben is a very reliable three-point shooter,” basketball player Todd Goldstein ’14 said. “This skill allowed him to be a really good shooting-guard”.
Casparius’ baseball teammates, including pitcher Justin Gallanty ’14, commented on how his hand-eye coordination and speed allows him to start on the varsity baseball team.
“Ben’s a great athlete,” teammate Jake Melnick ’15 said. “Someone in his position could get a big head, but he was always humble and worked hard.”
Casparius described his experience on varsity teams as “really special,” but this experience doesn’t come without its issues.
“It’s very pressure-filled,” Casparius said. “People have always expected a lot out of me my entire life.”
Casparius has the pressure of being not only an underclassmen on two varsity teams, but also having the responsibility of hitting the game-tying three-pointer with two seconds left, or hitting a double with the bases loaded.
Despite the stress of having a team of upperclassmen relying on him, Casparius looks forward to the many sports seasons to come, and claims that the pressure helps him concentrate.
“I like how my teammates push me.” Casparius said. “Not only because I’m a freshman, but because they expect big things from me.”

Jenna McNicholas ’15 is a charming girl with an equally stunning personality. She is both a good student and athlete, as well as a good friend and competitor....