Throughout the nation, there are over seven million high school athletes and only about 450,000 college athletes. This means that, according to National Collegiate Scouting Association, for the seven million high school athletes, only two percent will earn a spot on a college roster.
By the National Collegiate Athletic Association, a verbal commitment is defined as, “a college-bound student-athlete’s commitment to a school before he or she signs (or is able to sign) a National Letter of Intent.”
This commitment is not binding for the student or the school until the National Letter of Intent and a financial aid agreement is signed.
At Staples, there are over 17 student athletes who have already committed to college.
For everyone, it is a fact that the college process is inevitably difficult. According to Verity Abel ’14, who committed to Duke University on Oct. 17 for swimming, it is a myth that being recruited for a sport is any easier.
“It is a much longer and intensive process than a lot of people would expect due to how early you have to start looking at schools and how consistently you need to be communicating with coaches so they know you’re maintaining interest in them,” Abel said.
The process has been known to bring upon stress as well as excitement to those involved.
“Throughout the process I was both excited and a little stressed because it was a choice that would have an effect on the rest of my life,” Kyle Zajec ’15, who committed to Georgetown University for soccer on Oct. 21, said.
Others found the recruitment process to be solely enjoyable.
“I thought it was a pretty fun process being able to play in front of different coaches and then getting to meet them and visit different schools,” Patrick Lesch ’14 said, who committed to Dartmouth University in Dec. 2012 for lacrosse.
Although, it is the unanimous opinion among those who have already committed that knowing where they will be attending college is a relief.
“Obviously don’t fail your classes, but already knowing where you’re going to college definitely makes life easier,” Robby Vallone ’14 said, who committed to Manhattan College on Oct. 29 for baseball. “There’s a big weight lifted off of your shoulders and there isn’t as much pressure athletically and academically anymore.”
Maggie Walsh ’15, who is committed to Fairfield University for soccer as of Sept. 28, shares the gratitude that the long and tiring recruitment process is over.
“I’ve been in the recruiting process since freshman year and now I’ve found my place,” Walsh said. “It’s just nice to know where I’m going.”
Other Staples students who have verbally committed to colleges for sports include: Will Johnson ’14 on Sept. 13 to Trinity College for football, David Katz ’14 on Sept. 30 to New York University for basketball, Amelia Brackett ’14 on Aug. 10 to Cornell University for volleyball, Adam Dulsky on October 20 to Williams College for baseball, Isaac Paparo ’15 on Sept. 19 to University of Massachusetts for lacrosse, Cole Gendels ’14 in Sept. 2013 to Union College for lacrosse, Chris Mombello ’14 to Middlebury College on Nov. 30 for swimming, Sam Ellinwood ’14 to Amherst College on Sept. 29 for baseball and Ian Rainey ’14 on Oct. 20 to University of Michigan for swimming.