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Inklings News

A climate call to action

Katerina Bazarko ’21 April 23, 2024

Dear Editor, The impending environmental doomsday weighs heavily on my mind as a Lehigh University student witnessing the alarming consequences of climate change. Across the globe, we are...

February 1, 2023


It’s time to institute nationwide voter-ID

It’s time to institute nationwide voter-ID

Spencer Yim ’23 March 31, 2022

Voter ID laws are not racist. Voters of all demographics overwhelmingly have and support voter ID requirements, and a national voter-ID law would help to protect election integrity. January 6th was...

Another record shattered in a close meet

October 8, 2021

Staples HS Girls swim team improved to 3-2 on the season with a hard fought win over Westhill/Stamford.  The meet came down to the final event with Staples finishing first in the 400 meter freestyle relay...

With all the progress made for equality and tolerance, period stigma still remains as an outdated habit that makes people with periods uncomfortable with their body.

Period stigma unwarranted, needs to change

Amanda Rowan ’22, Photostory Editor June 16, 2021

As I entered high school, almost everyone had their period and, finally, it wasn't so taboo to talk about. We exchanged period stories like friendship bracelets, making sure to whisper so that no boys...

Allyship comes in many forms, but simply not supporting sexist, racist or homophobic behavior goes a long way in creating safer environments for marginalized communities.

Calling All Allies

Sydney Greenberg ’21 June 16, 2021

On a trip to the city with some friends, the minute we got on the subway, I felt a feeling that women know all too well: the staring eyes of a man who is objectifying my body for his own pleasure. Suddenly...

Rape jokes perpetrate rape culture in schools, public places and even at home, causing many to feel unsafe and uncomfortable.

Rape jokes remain pervasive yet inexcusable

Tierney Kugel ’22 and Carly Curran ’22 June 16, 2021

“I’d let him rape me,” in reference to an attractive celebrity, “that game raped me,”or “that test raped me.”  None of this is okay.  I have overheard conversations of people making...

Anti-government protests in Iran

Anti-government protests in Iran

January 12, 2018

By Taha Banatwala ‘21 Demonstrations began December 28th in Mashhad and continued to spread through December 31st to various cities including the nation's capital, Tehran. There are countless videos...

Congressman Jim Himes On Mueller investigation, gun control

Congressman Jim Himes On Mueller investigation, gun control

January 9, 2018

By Ella Berg '20 Congressman Jim Himes of Connecticut’s 4th District visited Westport Town Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 3, where he answered questions regarding current political activity and plans for...

Alabama’s election is more than special––it’s the turning point

Alabama’s election is more than special––it’s the turning point

December 15, 2017

By Eden Schumer '18 Time Magazine has officially named the “Silence Breakers” the Person of the Year–– these people are the women and men who have come forward with their stories of sexual harassment...

Our chance for change

Our chance for change

December 15, 2017

By Sarah Berkowsky '19 Since what has felt like the dawn of time, men, women and everyone in between has likely had an unwanted encounter with someone making sexual advances. Sexual assault and harassment...

Let’s talk about sex, baby: the need for comprehensive sexual education in America

Let’s talk about sex, baby: the need for comprehensive sexual education in America

December 15, 2017

By Jamie Orseck '19, Maddie Baildon '19, Kristin Butler '18, Monique Østbye '18 and Ben Roland '19 At Staples there is a Title IX Compliance Officer who is trained to investigate issues regarding...

Doggie daycare

Doggie daycare

December 15, 2017

By Imogen Barnes '20

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