Making a Netflix Fiend
For some reason, I was never been able to invest myself in any of the popular shows on Netflix. I would always hear everyone talking about how much they love Breaking Bad, how many episodes they binge-watched of Orange is the New Black, or discussing the plot twist at the end of How I Met Your Mother. But no matter how much popularity the show would find among my peers, I could never seem to get interested in any of the shows myself. I’d watch two episodes and end up quite literally falling asleep halfway through the third.
But, that all changed when I started to watch Making a Murderer.
I remember flipping through my Netflix account and looking under “Top Picks for Emma” as I ignored the statistics review packet on my bedside table. I scrolled over and saw Making a Murderer was a 99% match, and decided to give it a shot, despite trying to watch every other show that was also a 97-99% match and being disappointed every time.
Just five minutes into the first episode, I realized that this series would be different. I knew that finally, after many failed attempts, I had found a show to binge watch– a perfect way to waste hours upon hours– just in time for midterm exams. Perfect.
I found that there was something about Making a Murder that managed to keep me hooked from the get go in a way that other shows weren’t able to. Taking a step back and rubbing my eyes, strained from hours of staring at a screen, I’m able to realize that the “something” that managed to keep me interested was the fact the show combines a unique and riveting true story with real footage and tons of emotional appeal.
Even in the opening scene we see this, as footage plays of Steven Avery returning home after being wrongfully imprisoned for 18 years.
I think that I wasn’t able to get interested in other shows first and foremost because they simply aren’t as well done as Making a Murderer, but mainly because they aren’t as real. Even Orange is the New Black, which similarly aims to call attention to the flaws of the justice system failed to keep my attention because it revolves a lot on petty drama and romantic asides rather than the issue at hand.
The main storyline that Making a Murderer follows is interesting enough that there was no need to focus on anything other than the case, and that’s exactly what was able to reel me in. Seriously, I spent an entire Saturday afternoon unable to move from my couch, repeatedly pressing the “Continue Watching” pop-up as I watched episode after episode– a binge-watching phenomenon I had heard about from my friends, but only dreamt of in the past.
Making a Murderer successfully pulled me over to the dark side, as I finally share my peers’ obsession over a Netflix show. Honestly, I have no regrets about it– well, at least not until I get my midterm grades back.

After three years of working on Inklings, Emma Lederer ’16 has found a passion for writing
opinions. “I just have a lot of opinions,” she said...