Every year, millions of high school students participate in the standardized testing process. The question is, which test should you take? Let me tell you, if you aren’t taking the ACT, you’re wasting your time.
Josh Moskovitz ’15 says, “I think that [the ACT] better suits people who can work fast and are more math and science oriented.”
Last year, the ACT overtook the SAT as the most popular standardized test according to ACT Inc. That shouldn’t come as much of a surprise if you take a close look.
The ACT is known more as an achievement test than an aptitude test. In other words, the ACT will test you on what you have learned in school. The SAT is going to ask more questions that force the student to problem-solve and use general reasoning. I for one think that the best barometer of a student’s intelligence is their ability to display skills learned in school.
Another main difference between the two tests is the strategy for guessing. On the ACT, students without a even a clue in the world may bubble in any answer without fear of retribution. On the other hand, students taking the SAT face a ¼ point penalty for wrong answers, so guessing is discouraged. In no circumstance should students be afraid to answer a question, and the SAT is doing just that. The ACT provides students the opportunity to narrow down their choices and make an educated guess.
Look, I know standardized testing sucks across the board, but if it means anything at all, the ACT is a much more enjoyable test (if that’s even possible). The ACT (without the optional essay) is only two hours and 55 minutes long, while the SAT clocks in at a whopping three hours and 45 minutes. Think about it! That’s an extra 50 minutes you could use to sleep, watch some television, or take another practice ACT!
I realize that the SAT is “the original standardized test,” but today, the ACT is a very viable option. Next time you are sitting in a classroom on a Saturday morning scribbling away on your latest SAT essay, remember my advice. It’s ACT or bust kiddo.