Snowy, sandy destinations attract students for February break
Staples students travel far and wide to sandy or snowy destinations for February Break. The break begins on Feb. 18 and ends Feb. 26.
After endless days of freezing temperatures, Staples students are eager to hop on a plane and travel to their sandy beach or snowy mountain destinations. An escape from the piles of homework and sleepless nights is a week well deserved. There is certainly no shortage of destinations that will satisfy the Staples student body.
Whether it is laying out in the sun receiving a golden tan or putting on multiple layers to stay warm, students can not contain their excitement to switch from their everyday backpacks to overflowing suitcases with a plethora of clothing and accessories.
Ashley Julien ‘23 is not only hitting the slopes, but she will be skiing out in the Italian Alps. Julien and her family will be visiting her older sister who is studying abroad in Florence, Italy.
“It’s going to be really cool to ski in Europe for the first time,” Julien said. “I’ve been to Italy before but I’ve never been to the Alps.”
Paul Dottori ’26 is also taking advantage of the chilly climate. While Westport has not seen much snow on the ground, Big Sky, Montana has approximately 80 inches of powder.
“Skiing out west is so much better than the East Coast,” Dottori said. “The icy conditions are limited and skiing on fresh power is much more enjoyable.”
Students may love a good snow day but love the beach and clear blue ocean just a bit more. Throwing on a bikini, a pair of sunglasses, and a lei, Alex Hackett ’25 is vacationing in Hawaii. Hackett will be visiting Maui and Honolulu during the week off.
“I can’t wait to be in warm weather and swim in the ocean,” Hackett said.
It is not often that someone can get the best of both worlds, but Caroline Caggiano ’23 can beg to differ. Every February, Caggiano and her family split the vacation among the warm and cold weather. She will be bundled up in Park City, Utah for the first half and then laying out on the beach in Mexico for the rest of break.
“I am super grateful that I am able to go to both places,” Caggiano said. “I get to do the two things I love most, which is skiing and being at the beach.”

Photostory Editor Karlie Saed ’23 has continued participation in Inklings to pursue her passion of writing. In her sophomore year, Saed fell for Advanced...