Junior girls count down to Counties

Dresses at Winged Monkey, a clothing store in Westport, await the rush of junior girls going shopping for their outfits.
When it comes to school dances, Staples students really look ahead. Counties, the first dance available to juniors, will take place on Jan. 28. Staples, Wilton and Weston students will attend the event at The Stamford Marriott.
This seems far in the future, right? Not to Staples students, especially when the girls are required to ask someone to be their date.
The rush began in late July when people suddenly started to partner up.
“I asked my date this summer because, like, it’s like a domino effect,” Maggie Montoya ’24 said. “As soon as one person asks, everyone gets scared so then they ask.”
Before anyone knew it, there were very few options left. Carly Greenberger ’24 arrived home from seven-week sleepaway camp in August to find out what occurred during her absence.
“I got home from camp and all of my friends already had dates,” Greenberger said. “I didn’t want to be the only one without someone to go with, so I was really stressed.”

This early action is leaving many girls unsure of how to find a date, and many fearing they may have to go alone.
“All of the people who I wanted to ask are already taken, so now I’m, like, overwhelmed,” an anonymous junior girl said. “I still don’t have a date, so I’m hoping I find someone else who is in the same position and is willing to go with me.”
As if the search for shoes, dresses, suits and ties wasn’t enough, juniors are now faced with an even bigger challenge. But, why so early?
“I think people are over exaggerating by asking so early, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal,” Greenberger said. “I feel like people could have at least waited until the beginning of school.”