Freshmen score spots on varsity teams
Many high school students have experienced the stress of tryouts for a Staples sport. Walking in on the scene, one may see aspiring varsity athletes stealing glances off the coaches notepad after running the rigorous Man United Test.
Despite this initial stress, many athletes will testify that playing on a Staples varsity sport is truly a life-changing experience. So when a freshman is granted the opportunity to play on varsity for four years, it is undoubtedly something special.
This fall season, three freshmen have been granted this special opportunity. Charlotte Franklin ’23 scored a spot on the varsity soccer team while Emma Nahon ’23 and Francine Stevens ’23 made varsity field hockey.
Franklin was delighted when the big news came out, and she is excited for the season, especially after the team-bonding trip that preceded it. Despite the fact that she may not get as much playing time as she could have gotten on the junior varsity or freshman team, she explains why playing for varsity will be an all-round positive experience.
“You still play during practices so you’re still getting the exposure of practicing with 18-year-olds,” Franklin said.
Stevens agrees that this experience will push her as an athlete.
“I’m playing with people who are really good, so I learn a lot from them during practice and games,” Stevens said.
Stevens has been playing field hockey since sixth grade. She takes private lessons outside of practice which helps her keep up with the intensity of the practices.
While skill is important, hard work is essential too. Nahon, along with the other freshmen, know that they have to put in the effort to see a positive outcome.
“I don’t think [the coach] would put someone on the team that didn’t work hard,” Nahon said.
These three athletes are playing at a level that is not expected for at least another two years. They have earned their spot on the team and are excited for the upcoming opportunity.
“I think it’s going to be a great experience,” Franklin said. “I’m just really excited to play.”

Public Relations Director Chloe Murray ’22 enjoys her life as a twin and an aspiring journalist.
“We’re super close and we’re very similar people,”...