By: Ivy Prince ’17
Every year all four of the Staples classes never fail to disappoint during spirit week. It seems to be one of the most exciting times for everyone, especially the seniors who love to outdo everyone. This year, Monday was pajama day, Tuesday was twin day, Wednesday was USA day, Thursday was color wars, and Friday was blue and white day.
When this year’s most spirited students were announced at the Pep Rally it was no surprise when many of the seniors won.
Cayne Mandell ’17, one of the Superfans admins this year, won Most Spirited for blue and white day. “I decide to wear my Super Fans 2017 shirt, as well as paint my face blue,” Mandell said. He, like many seniors wanted to do something fun for their last year. “I also wore a blue bodysuit with all my friends on twin day, but the senior girls won that day.”
Color war day was a tough day to win for seniors, considering almost the entire senior class (which had the color red) went all out, decked in red tutus, face paint, sunglasses, you name it. However, Katherine Coogan ’17 took home the gold. “I think the reason I won color war day for my grade was because of my red wig. It definitely stood out and was different than what everyone else wore,” Coogan said, “Spirit week definitely brought our grade together as a really weird, over the top community. We all looked pretty insane.”
Staples cheer captain Bri Rotella ’17 thought this week was one that she will never forget: “I loved every day but color war was by far the best. Just to see everyone decked out, it was definitely the most dressed up everyone looked besides blue and white day.”
Hopefully the traditions continue and the grades below will keep up with the high standards that come with spirit week.