Seven ways to “sleigh” your next snow day

You’re snowed in. The roads are icy, your driveway isn’t plowed, and let’s be real, there’s nowhere within walking distance that’s worth a dreadful hike in the snow. So, what do you do? Here’s the ultimate seven-step guide on how to have fun on a snow day, despite being trapped in the one place you might avoid during your days off – home.
- Catch up on sleep
For the typical high schooler, most nights may include catching up on social media and hours worth of Netflix. However, this usually results in the unfortunate lack of sleep that makes a school day even tougher than it already is. That’s why a snow day is the perfect opportunity to catch up on those 11 hours of sleep you probably aren’t getting. So, no need to feel guilty about snoozing that alarm clock – sleeping in until 11 is totally acceptable.
2. Movie marathon
Who doesn’t love lazy days? Take your snow day as an opportunity to watch every movie you’ve been dying to see. Whether it’s the entire “Harry Potter” series or a full season of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” you’ve got almost eight hours worth of no school to fill up with television.
3. Play in the snow
Whoever said snow activities “are only for children” clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Sledding, building snowmen and snowball fights are only some of the fun things that should be on your snow day to do list. The best part? They can all be done in your backyard.
4. Spa day
This one’s for the girls. What better way to spend a snow day than at your very own homemade spa? Face masks, bubble baths, manicures, and more, a day of relaxation is well deserved. While you could take the easy way out and purchase your own products, DIY (do it yourself) face masks are easy, less expensive, and fun – take this Buzzfeed quiz to find out which ingredients will benefit your skin the most.
5. Get ahead on school work
School work? On a snow day? Well, it’s actually not as crazy as it sounds. If you’re loaded on projects, essays, tests or maybe even all of the above, why not get a head start? You’ve got a full day of nothing to do and getting school work off your chest will lead to the most relaxing, stress-free snow day ever.
6. Bake
Even if you aren’t a skilled baker, a snow day worth of treats can never go wrong. Experiment on different recipes, whether it’s a “five minute mug cake” on Buzzfeed or chocolate chip cookies made from scratch. Whatever it is, you have all day – no need to settle for one dish.
7. Organize room/closet
Once the school week begins, it’s easy for your room to transition into a full on hurricane. Although it may sound boring, taking the day to get things back in order will relieve stress and will also result in the clean room you wish you could have at all times. This applies to closets and bathrooms too – the cleaner, the better.