Best Buddies struts their stuff at fashion show fundraiser

To conclude the fashion show, club members pose for a photo wearing their fashion choices.
As the final pair take their walk, Diana Zogheb ’16 and Jake Schutte ’16 sport swimwear down the runway.
Best Buddies president Victoria Pappas ’15 announces the runway stars.
Sporting chefs attire, Lily Dane ’17 and Austin Brulee ’16 take the runway.
Parents and family await the fashion show after watching the PSA “Spread the Word to End the Word,” and the photo montage of group excursions which included the club’s trips such as pumpkin picking and bowling.

Many gift baskets were also donated to be auctioned off, some of the items included baked goods, a set of treats and toys for dogs, and cooking items.
Patty McQuone, the friendly face that greets students and faculty in the mornings and one of the Best Buddies advisors, donated some of her very own sweet treats in order to raise money for the club.
The people who came to the fashion show supported Best Buddies by participating in the silent auction.
Students Rachel Morrison ’16 and Olivia Daytz ’16 enjoy the food and beverages served prior to the fashion show and videos projected in the auditorium.