There are normal books filled only with words, and then there are graphic novels. Few people know there is an actual class on these visual pieces of literature. However, the 20 students per semester who partake in this lively and artistic class can’t stop raving about it. Visual Literacy is not only a lot of fun but it can also benefit readers.
“I’m dyslexic and reading is tough, so, naturally, I like graphic novels a lot more than having to read a full sized book,” Kieran Winser ’15 admitted.
However, class does not just appeal to students interested in reading alternative literary mediums. Carla Eichler, an art teacher who co-teaches Visual Literacy with English teacher Jesse Bauks, explained that it is also a great opportunity for students interested in art. The class doesn’t focus solely on text, but also on the surrounding aesthetics. They don’t only read graphic novels they create their own, too.
Visual Literacy remains relatively unknown as it’s a new course this year. However, Winser and his peers expect the class to thrive in popularity.
Who knows? Maybe the next Gotham City has a river named Saugatuck.