No one spent more time on Instagram over winter break than the stay at home Westporters. It is this small section of our town without a ski house in the mountains of Vermont or plane tickets to a tropical island that found themselves refreshing the predictable Instagrams in between each Netflix episode.
However, without even checking Instagram, these Staples students knew they were bound to find themselves sulking over one of the following photos. Luckily, hundreds were posted, allowing non-travelers to feel like they were right there on vacation with them.
Despite travelers’ success in bragging through every picture they posted, the occasional Instagram of a stay at home Westporter’s nutella latte from the Granola Bar or warm mac and cheese sandwich from the Grilled Cheese Eatery definitely made travelers jealous of those of us who stayed home.
Taylor Harrington ’15 has been through the ropes before. As Breaking News
Managing Editor, Harrington enters her second year on Inklings with a prestigious
position and nothing but a positive attitude.
There’s no one word that describes Harrington, but outgoing, creative, and amiable
are the closest fits. If asked to put her persona in a nutshell, her love for people would
be the common denominator.
“Whether it’s helping the underprivileged, supervising four-year old kids, or hanging out
with my friends, my life revolves around people,” Harrington said.
One of Harrington’s favorite parts about Inklings is the social media aspect. Known
for her big-hit video, 2013 Inklings year in review, Harrington’s pure creativity is
shown in all her work.
Aside from Inklings, she spends the majority of her time after school as the secretary
of the Best Buddies club and volunteers for the National Charity League (NCL).
Over the summer, Harrington hung out with her Best Buddy on a consistent basis. Her
involvement ranged from planned events to baseball games with him.
Harrington’s passion for helping will continue this year as a part of the NCL, a
mother-daughter organization that assists with charitable events in the community.
Specifically, she and the senior class will be doing a project to decorate the room of
a little girl who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
“She wants a pink and purple princess room, so that's what we are going to give her,”
Harrington said.
But Harrington’s claim to fame is her superb baking skills. The non-existent bakery,
as she likes to call it, is her assortment of exotic desserts on Instagram. After baking
one of her mouth-watering masterpieces, Harrington will post a picture of it on
Instagram and label it “my non-existent bakery.”