At a football game, it’s fairly easy to blend in with the true fanatics—cheer when they cheer, boo when they boo.
However, out the hundreds of people who attend homecoming, how many actually enjoy and understand watching football?
“I barely get what’s going on during a game,” said Noelle Adler ‘15. “I never even know the score half the time. When I get home, my dad asks me who won, and I really just don’t know.”
Similarly, Olivia Daytz ‘16 admits that she knows very little about the sport and finds it difficult to follow.
Even so, both Daytz and Adler like watching football when it comes to popular wevents like the Pink game and homecoming.
“It’s exciting to be with all your peers outside of school,” said Adler. “Everyone is dressed up and cheering. There’s just so much school spirit.”
Adler believes it’s the social aspect of the event that draws most people in.
Sam Kratky ’15, on the other hand, argues that football itself is exciting. In fact, it’s one of her favorite sports to watch. She attends every home game and several away games.
“Football is a lot more fun to watch if you know what’s going on,” said Kratky. “I was so excited for homecoming and I’m really happy we won.”
So whether you were there to socialize and Instagram, or instead closely watch the game, the stands were undoubtedly filled, one colossal mass of blue and white.
“I love being packed together with everyone in the stands,” joked Sarah Duvall ’15. “I may have been pushed and shoved, but it doesn’t matter because we were all there together.”