By Farrel Levenson ’11 & Jackie Kerames ’12
Features Editor & Staff Writer
A house is not a home – but a room can be so much more than just a place to sleep. Check out what some Stapleites have done to make their Cribs express their unique personalities.

Zach Levins ’12: The Dugout
What makes his room special: It’s a shrine to the Kansas City Royals. Levins’ room, which he calls a “masterpiece,” was decorated three years ago. A large portion of his furniture, basically all the sports-related pieces, is from As a sports fan and baseball player, Levins says his room accurately reflects his personality. Both the room, and Levins, love and are devoted to sports.
His friends love: The sports memorabilia, which includes jerseys, signed baseballs, and posters.
It would be perfect if: There was a television. “If I could change one thing, it would be to include a 52–inch flat screen,” Levins said.

Melissa Sweeney ’11: The Time Capsule
What makes her room special: The furniture, which dates back to 1850, is very rare and is no longer available for purchase. It is made from chestnut with marble and was bought by Sweeney’s mom at Windsor Antiques of Darien, a store that is now closed.
Her friends love: The walk in closet, large bed, and full length mirror.
It would be perfect if: The room were larger. “I got one of the smaller rooms in the house (out of choice), but having it a little bigger would be ideal,” Sweeney said.

Eva Hendricks ’11: The Gallery
What makes the room special: A collection of Polaroid pictures lines Hendricks’ walls. The collection began the summer before her freshman year. “I needed a change. My room had always been pastel colors and inexplicably beach themed,” Hendricks said. Self-described as loud, enthusiastic, and excitable she felt she needed a room that was “more [me.]”
Her friends love: The birthday cards from past years which Hendricks adds to her photo-collaged wall. Extremely sentimental, she began saving the cards seven or eight years ago and visitors love to see that she has kept the cards on display.
She loves: The walls she painted herself. Her favorite aspect, though, is a giant antique mirror which her mom found at the dump. “It’s gorgeous, and in good condition, so we lucked out,” Hendricks said.

Elena Adams ’12: The Parlor
What makes her room special: It’s the perfect combination of prettiness and tranquility. She designed the room to be a peaceful getaway by using ocean blues and pastels.
She loves: The mini-sculptures and figurines that rest on every flat surface. Many of these items have been collected over years of traveling. She buys trinkets or artifacts from her destinations and uses them to decorate her room. The adornments hail from Africa, Peru, Ecuador and Costa Rica.
It would be perfect it: “I think I would be really cool to have a glass ceiling. I’d like to be able to see the stars before I go to bed,” Adams said.

Nicole Brill ’11: The Green House
What makes her room special: It is mostly lit by natural sunlight. The glass doors that open up to a balcony are ideal for the letting in the sunshine. She even has a skylight in her bathroom.
She loves: That it isn’t high maintenance. The majority of the furniture in Brill’s room isn’t new. “I’m really big on reusing things,” the self-proclaimed environmentalist said.
Her friends love: The decorations that line the walls, which include old class pictures from elementary school, awards she has received and inspirational quotes. Her friends have dubbed this wall “The Wall of Nicole.”

Jake Hirschberg ’13: The Bachelor Pad
What makes his room special: He transformed the third floor of his house into the ultimate retreat, with a winding sofa, arcade machines, a mini fridge, and a 52–inch flat screen TV, Hirschberg barely has to leave his room. He even has a nerf basketball hoop and a court taped out in his closet.
His friends love: The arcade machines. “The Pacman game is probably the best part of my room,” Hirschberg said.
It would be perfect if: He didn’t have to climb a flight of stairs to reach it.
*Photos by Farrel Levenson ’11, Jackie Kerames ’12, Madeline Hardy ’11, and contributed by Eva Hendricks ’11