DJ Sixsmith ’11
Sports Editor
While most of the students at Staples High School will be spending their summers traveling the country and enjoying the beautiful weather, Tessa Green ’11 will be hard at work in a science lab on the coast of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
The scientifically driven junior will be studying at one of the nations most competitive colleges, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), after she was selected to be a part of The Research Science Institute program. Green is one of just 45 Americans attending the six-week program, which features a week of classes, along with four weeks of intensive research with a mentor. Tessa could not have been more excited when she received the news of her acceptance in the mail.
“I was ecstatic. I checked the mailbox religiously for most of the week before it came, and the day it did, I was checking every ten minutes for the mail. When it finally came, I was shaking when I opened the mailbox, to the point where I couldn’t separate just the one envelope.”
Upon opening the letter, Green’s mother pulled into the driveway just in time to celebrate the news with her daughter. Despite receiving acceptance weeks ago, Green still gets overly excited at the idea that she will be going to MIT this summer.
“I’m still a little bit overexcited. I’ll be doing something totally unrelated and then it will hit me that I am going to be at Research Summer Institute this summer and that feeling happens all over again.”
For a student so interested in science, the thought of going to MIT did not become a legitimate prospect until Green’s teacher, Dr. Morgan, suggested that she and a few other juniors in her class apply.
Applying for this program was no easy task. Green had to write several essays, fill out an in depth 3-page application, and send numerous letters of recommendation. The lengthy process was all worth it for the junior who has dreams of working in the field of science when she grows older.
“I love doing research; I mean, I read science for fun. I think it is really interesting. I’m looking forward to getting to do some actual lab work this summer because I think that’s what I’d like to be doing,” she said.
This is a major step in beginning Green’s career in the science field. Her goal is to find the solution to fixing the electrical grid. Green is in for an incredible summer at MIT, one that she is sure to never forget.