With all these delicious foods, a cookbook will be designed and sold to the Westport community; all proceeds will go towards Haiti relief.
Creators of the cookbook, Janice Price and Frances Evan, strongly believe that this is just one way that the staff has proven its devotion towards helping others. “The fact that the staff has pulled together such an effort is a reminder of Staples’ solidarity,” said Evan.
Together they generated this idea inspired by a cookbook created in the past in 1982 from Saugatuck Elementary School. Yet, this year’s cookbook is a more modern version inspired by the Westport community.
For example, the beginning of the cookbook includes a write-up introducing Michael Aitkenhead and his garden on the Staples campus.
“We tied it into the cookbook,” explained Price. “The garden produces the food to make the recipes.”
Dakota Mathess ‘12 added another aspect to the book that makes it unique. He drew graphics that help divide each section.
Price and Evan held a goal to obtain at least 200 recipes, a goal that has been met and surpassed. Everyone from Pricipal John Dodig to Science teacher Nicholas Morgan and English Department head Liz Comm have donated their favorite recipes. Price added how Assistance Principal Jim Farnen especially expressed his support for the cookbook and the type of aid that it will bring to those in need.
Social Studies teacher, Daniel Heaphy shared a recipe for Broccoli Salad that he said his fiancé always makes.
“It’s good to give support to people in trouble and this is a fun way to do it,” admitted Heaphy. “I want to feel like I did my part.”
Although not exactly positive of the price, the book will most likely sell for $10. It will be available to the public in June, during the last week of school. They will also be for sale during Staples graduation on June 23.
“This will hopefully lead to other ideas, possibly even a student cookbook in the future,” Price concluded.