Stevie Klein ’12
Web Features Editor

On October 23, 2009, singer-song writer, Ellen Kempner ’12, performed a live show from the media lab that could be heard through the Staples radio station, along with channel 78.
Kempner, who’s been playing guitar since she was seven, and singing forever, already has an album on iTunes. She even performs constantly for her community.
“It’s pretty weird having albums on iTunes actually. Just because people always seem more impressed when I tell them that I’m on iTunes. It makes me look like more of a celebrity. It really helps a lot!” said Kempner.
The inspiration for her many songs, such as “With Me,” “Rain On Your Parade,” and “Surgery” come from her everyday life and experiences.
When she began writing, Joni Mitchell, and later artists, such as, John Mayer and Ani DiFranco, heavily influenced the type of music she wrote. Currently, Kempner is influenced by Regina Spektor, who she notes to be “crazy talented.”
Kempner also played at Eco-Fest before the summer, and she considers it a very memorable experience. “Even though I only got to play three songs, it was a pretty big cool crowd. It was really great to play for the cause, and I really like playing during charity events,” said Kempner.
Kempner appreciates the fact that Staples gives kids with talent opportunities to explore and perform.
“I think that the media lab is so great for any kid that’s interesting in the Audio/Visual world as I am. As a musician the fact that Staples has a recording studio is just so useful and impressive and I’m sure that other Staples musicians feel that way too. It’s also a really great opportunity for kids who haven’t really gotten to experience Audio or Visual technology to kind of be introduced to it,” said Kempner.
However, even though the possibilities are endless, not as many students have followed in Kempner’s path and stepped up to the plate.
“I feel that due to a sort of lack of performances throughout the year, it’s a little hard for talented kids to reach out to the rest of the students,” said Kempner, noticing the missed opportunities.
Kempner, who uses every chance she gets to share her talent, is excited to see where the business brings her in the future.
“My future goals are really just to keep writing songs and performing, pretty much for the rest of my life. Even if I didn’t get famous or anything that would never stop me from having music be my life, my job,” said Kempner.
As her fans and friends continue to support her, the Staples community cannot get enough of Kempner’s beautiful voice.