With the end of the third marking period a week away, course selections due soon and college decisions consistently coming out, it’s understandable that Staples’ students are under a lot of pressure. However, with all the talk of the future for seniors and juniors, often overlooked is the stress this puts on the underclassmen of Staples. Underclassmen are seemingly becoming more obsessed with advanced classes, colleges and their “four year plan.” Staples’ environment fosters unnecessary pressure on freshmen and sophomores to get ahead of all of their peers in any way necessary, whether it be joining 10 clubs or taking five AP’s. It is really unhealthy for kids’ health and their growth throughout high school.
Why is there such a rush?
High school should be a time for development and experimentation. If students are already locked into a rigid path by the age of 15-16, what time is there for self-discovery?
Junior year is usually the time that students start experimenting with classes and a path they may want to gear towards. There are fewer mandated classes and more freedom to curate schedules to cater to personal interests. This brings about the opportunity for Advanced Placement (AP) courses, college level classes that students can take in high school.
Unusually, there are kids planning to take three-four AP classes sophomore or junior year. Students should be warned: overloading your schedule with the most advanced classes only leads to faster academic burnout.
As someone who is already taking two AP classes my sophomore year, I can promise that they may be more difficult than they seem. While taking chemistry over the summer, I was under the impression that it would be good for me because of my interest in science. However, choosing to take AP Chemistry this year has made me realize my passion for other school classes, like history and English. Consequently, my interest in science has majorly shifted, making it a struggle to keep up.
As I reflect more on it, my primary goal with taking the class was because it would “look good on my resume”, making me lose sight of what is actually important: taking classes I love.
There is also a risk with taking so many APs. First of all, it can be a tough adjustment to start managing the rigor of an AP course and have detrimental effects on one’s mental health. Secondly, the school may compensate with the big surge of students taking APs by not creating as many lower-level classes. So, if a student suddenly changes their mind and wants to drop, they may not be able to. The academic strain only becomes worse and more intense as the stakes get higher with each year.
Competition is many student’s downfall when it comes to their early high school education. Comparison to other kids is promoted and often further encouraged because of things like gossip and social media. Constant talk of colleges pressures students to have the “right” combination of classes and extracurriculars that aren’t only impressive, but make a student stand out.
However, the “right” combination of activities are not rigidly defined, leaving room for personal judgment on what it should look like; some may see it as creating the most strenuous schedule possible, while others may see it as being the most well-rounded and balanced in classes and extracurriculars. So, students shouldnt concern themselves over hitting that “perfect” spot, because in reality there is none.
It is important to remember that high school is not a sprint to the finish line— it’s a journey of personal growth. It’s okay to take time, change your mind, and experiment with new things. Not every student has to be in 10 clubs. Not every class has to be advanced.
Most importantly, it’s critical to recognize if the pressure is too high and to prioritize mental health and well-being. By choosing your own path and staying true to what works best for you, you can not only achieve your goals but do it in a way that reflects your unique passions and abilities, showing that not everyone has the same steps to success.