The notorious week before break has arrived. This is the time when students experience a downpour of school work, tests, projects and essays.
Nevertheless, while most students hate the extreme pile up teachers dump on students, I believe the week before break is a strenuous, rewarding period that builds a relief to have a completely enjoyable break.
According to It’s Not Rocket Science, it has been found that students feel anxious and overwhelmed about completing their work perfectly over the holiday break. This leads to a lack of break because students are spending their time filled studying or working on projects for the future.
A school break is supposed to be a time for mental relaxation, away from school work. Without having all work be completed before break, it leads students to be stressed and overwhelmed over break. So, I’d rather have all my tests the week before break to avoid the probable cause of needing to study during break in order to prepare for tests the week coming back to school.
At Staples, we have midterms after break, with the first exam block taking place on Jan. 9. Since there is less than a full school week in between the end of break and the beginning of midterms, teachers are inclined to test students during the short period of time in between. Students are then crammed to be stressed over break, forgetting information important to their tests, and bad preparation for the soon midterm season. With having tests before the holiday break, it elevates the pressure students endure over the holiday break from studying.