Wreckers deli reopens after years of being closed
Staples newest lunch addition, the Wreckers Deli, is located outside of the normal area for purchasing food.
The Wrecker’s Deli was reintroduced to Staples for the first time on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The Wreckers Deli initially opened in 2019, but closed after Covid-19 hit due to the shortage of staff and less students present to serve. The deli is now open every Tuesday and Thursday during all three lunch waves.
The deli serves four specialty sandwiches on their menu, including “the classy Italian,” a normal Italian sandwich which features a combination of meats, “buffalo chicken,” “home on the ranch” which is a turkey bacon sandwich and “piggy wiggy,” a ham sandwich. The deli also provides customizability to all sandwiches ordered. The Wrecker’s Deli serves cold sandwiches and offers house-made chips for an additional cost.
“Everyone seems excited […] it’s all new to most of the students,” Amber Egervari, cafeteria staff member said. “The main objective of having this open is to try to alleviate some of the pressure in the cafe because it’s very busy in there and that [sandwich] line is so long […] I like being in both places.”
Reopening the deli after the pandemic was a goal for this school year since online learning has ended and students and staff have returned at normal capacity. The sandwiches in the cafeteria are very popular, and the extra deli line provides students and staff with quicker access to a sandwich during lunch. Carolina Procter ’25 expressed her enthusiasm surrounding the new deli in hopes of more accessible lunch and less wait time.
“The [sandwich lines] already there get extremely crowded,” Procter said. “I hope that with the additional line, I will be able to get a sandwich every day again without having to wait as long.”

Rylie Cordella ’25, Business Manager
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