Videographer: Aaron McMurtry
Drake and 21 Savage's new album puts up a great performance.
On Friday, Nov. 4, Drake and 21 Savage released their joint album, “Her Loss” after a week-long delay. The album is filled with many qualities fans expected, excelling in clever disses, strong vocals, and well-rounded production. Although there are flaws within the album such as the lack of 21 Savage vocals, the album is mostly solid.
The album featured many classics like “Spin Bout U” where 21 Savage and Drake go back and forth on the R&B flow of the track. Rather than having their own separate verses, 21 begins the song and within a minute Drake takes over and plays his part in the hook. The piece flows together very well and both artists received an equal amount of time on the track without any awkward transitions.
Another example of great teamwork and both artists stepping out of their comfort zones was the first track “Rich Flex.” The song starts off with a Drake melody as he begs 21 to hop onto the track. After about a minute into the track, 21 joins Drake, going bar for bar, back and forth until the beat switches into a drill/21 anthem and Drake begins his final verse. This track shows the versatility of both artists and again shows the great duo Drake and 21 Savage are.
Within the entire album, there was only one significant feature other than small adlibs every three of four tracks. On “P*ssy and millions,” Travis Scott put on one hell of a show. The track starts off very low energy as it samples a 90s R&B beat but slowly picks up until it becomes a furious battle between 21 Savage and Drake as to who could rap the better bars. Once their battle concludes, the beat switches to a nightmare type of beat and Travis unexpectedly starts rapping, leaving I, and other listeners in shock.
In “Privileged Rappers,” Drake spits his first verse followed by a three second pause then 21 forcefully spits his verse and it feels as if he never belonged on the track in the first place. The song seems discombobulated and unfinished and shows an example of the separation between the two artists on the album.
“More M’s” is another example of a track where the two seem separated from one another and Drake takes the stage and 21 comes off as an afterthought. The track begins with a 21 rapping on a 21 Savage type of beat and continues until about halfway through the song. There is again a few second pause until an awkward Drake verse continues the track, again sounding unfinished and disoriented.
According to Hip Hop by the numbers, Drake delivered 66% of all lyrics on the album, meaning two out of every three words said in the album were by Drake. In Drake’s previous collaboration album, “What a time to be alive” with Future, the ratio was far more even with Drake vocalising 45% of the album and Future rapping 55% according to Hip Hop by the numbers. Despite the fact that 21’s involvement with the album was stunted for lack of a better word, the album wasn’t ruined.
Even if you aren’t a fan of 21 Savage and Drake, I would highly recommend “Her loss” if you’re looking for an upbeat rap album you can listen to in any mood. If fans are interested in seeing these artists tour, according to Hot 96.9, Drake teased on his podcast “Table for one” the two might be touring.