‘KUWTK’ comes to a shocking end after 19 seasons
Graphic by Emma Smith ’22 (image taken from the Internet and labeled for reuse)
The upcoming 19th season marks the end of their reality television show “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” for the Kardashian-Jenner family.
As 2020 continues to be the bearer of bad news, the Kardashian-Jenner family has announced that season 19 of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” will be their last.
News broke after Kim Kardashian made an Instagram post dedicated to their reasoning for ending the show, though many were left still confused. The Kardashian-Jenner family have been quite vague on their reasoning why the show is ending; even Kris Jenner has been quiet.
The family has created many trends within the fashion, beauty and fitness communities and have influenced the lives of their many fans. Between Kylie’s lip kits, Khloe’s fitness journey and Kendall’s influential style, the Kardashian-Jenner family has truly done it all.
Though many Staples students weren’t surprised about the show’s departure, the family’s iconic moments will be missed among the Staples community.
“I was caught off guard when Kim Kardashain posted about the show ending, though I suspected the show was coming to end because of the recent drama with Kourtney wanting to focus on her family and not a television show,” Chrstiane Betfarhad ’22 said.
“Keeping Up With The Kardashians” entertained many; even if students weren’t die-hard fans that tuned in every week, many have seen the most entertaining moments between the family members.
“One of my guilty pleasures is definitely watching clips of the show on Instagram, and I was surprised that it ended so soon,” Sarah Thomas ’22 said.
Even though the show will no longer continue, rumors have been swarming around social media that streaming apps such as Netflix will buy the show so many can rewatch the show at any time. Or maybe “momager” Kris Jenner will strike again to get her family back on the networks.
“I don’t see them becoming irrelevant any time soon,” Anna Pan ’22 said. “I predict a spin-off in a few decades with the current Kardashian kids.”

Journalism interested paper arts editor Emma Smith ’22 because quite frankly, she loves writing.
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