Board games beat screentime
There is a multitude of ways to make use of a card deck during the quarantine. Try some of these games: Hearts, Crazy 8’s, Spit, Go Fish, War and Solitaire.
It can even happen to the most fervent binge-watcher: finding boredom in staring at a computer screen for hours on end. Adjusting to a slower lifestyle never comes naturally, and it can be even more difficult when extra time becomes a mere daily occurrence rather than a privilege. Instead of watching every season of Netflix’s “All American,” pick up one of the board games lying in the spare closet. Make an artful announcement informing the family that it is game night at 9:00 p.m. sharp.
Choosing a board game can be difficult; however, from childhood brain teasers to modern card games, there’s a multitude of options. The most popular board games today are Scrabble, Risk, Monopoly, Connect 4, Battleship and chess.
“My favorite board game to play with family is Sorry! because there is no real talent involved, it’s all chance,” Samir Mott ’22 said. “The tense nature strengthens bonds[…] everyone experiences the moment together for a rollercoaster of emotions.”
Not only are board games a cure to the boredom surrounding the pandemic induced quarantine, but they also develop connections within families. Even if a disagreement between siblings occurs, these games are an opportunity for the family to communicate.
“Games can help with bonds by just spending time with family and playing against or with other people,” Kate McDonald ’23 said.
These family competitions can also include card games. Grab a deck of cards and get dealing. There is a range of games one can play from a single deck including Crazy 8’s, Spit, Go Fish, Hearts, War and Solitaire.
“My favorite card game to play in quarantine is poker,” Elle Desmarteau ’22 said. “It brings my family together to do a wholesome activity while also being competitive and exciting.”
Whether it’s during quarantine or on an average weekday, physical games never fail to bring a smile to one’s face.
“It’s fun to bond over something we all like to do,” Madison Lebowitz ’22 said. “[Board games] are fun and [I] end up laughing with my family.”

Lauren Hassell ’22 has been a part of Inklings since sophomore year, but has been a part of the journalism world for a while. Hassell’s interest...