My day as told by GIFs
Waking up to my alarm blaring and knowing that I’m going to be late:
We all have that feeling right before reality hits when your bed is quite possibly the most comfortable place on Earth. Knowing you have to drag yourself out of bed is reminiscent of one of those old cartoons where the main character gets crushed by an anvil while trying to complete a simple task.
Getting to the Staples parking lot only to realize it’s negative degrees outside and I have to trek all the way to school:
For some reason, no matter how many layers I wear including, but not limited to hats, gloves AND fuzzy socks, the walk from the tennis court parking lot feels like a literal tundra. By the time I reach the school, I’m lucky if I can feel my appendages at all.
Traveling in between classes only to find the typical gaggle of people blocking the ENTIRE hallway:
This is one of many things on which I identify with Miranda Priestly, if you are walking at negative two miles an hour in the hallway, do not be alarmed if I blaze past you in order to get from Math to Culinary with time to spare. Five minutes is not that much time, people.
Getting to lunch, finally, only to realize that everyone and their mother is in the cafeteria at the same time:
What I don’t understand about this particular situation is the following: everyone I talk to about how the cafeteria is so disorganized and chaotic feels the same as me about it. So why haven’t we as a school population come up with a better way to deal with this conundrum?
Or, alternatively, entering the cafeteria with a friend only to turn around and realize they’re not following you anymore:
Eerily similar to losing your mom at the grocery store, losing a friend in the cafeteria leaves many of us in a relatively inadequate state. Forced to stand in one spot, spinning in circles until you either eventually find your friend or some other kind soul willing to escort you through the maze that is the Staples cafeteria.
Coming home from school knowing that I don’t have to be at practice for 2½ hours:
My bed will and always will be my happy place. Coming home from school and flopping down on my bed for a well deserved rest is, to quote Chris Traeger from the NBC show “Parks and Recreation,” “literally, the best thing ever.”
Going to practice and singing along to my favorite songs while driving:
You didn’t think I could get through this post without a Beyonce gif now did you? Dancing by yourself in the car is one of those pastimes that everyone does but no one talks about. The awkward eye contact when you’re across from someone at a stoplight and they catch you singing along, with dance moves, to Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk is one my top ten most uncomfortable moments. But I dance anyway because, as that cliche saying goes, “Dance like no one is watching.” I do.
And then that feeling after I workout when I realize that I’m a lot weaker than I originally anticipated:
“She’s the Man” Amanda Bynes in this scene is my spirit animal. After a hard workout, I have literally come home and laid on the floor, hoping for that final push of energy required to get me up the stairs.
But then realizing that I actually worked out and accomplished something today:
Call me crazy, but all that endorphins talk is true. After picking myself up off the floor, I can do a little happy dance, a la Jimmy Fallon, because I accomplished something today, and can reward myself with a little dessert and maybe an episode of Netflix if I’m feeling especially crazy.
Getting into bed after a long day knowing that I get a glorious 8 hours of sleep before it all starts again:
And then realizing it all starts again in less than 8 hours:
GIfs courtesy of

What do you get when you add a “Hunger Games craze,” cookies and cream ice cream, an easy-breezy attitude, Canada, journalism and a deep adoration...