New Netflix binge colors agony the new black
The ending of season two of “Orange is the New Black”–an original Netflix production about one woman’s experience during her year in a women’s prison –has left its loyal television audience confused, impatient, and most importantly, lost. Many students are adrift without the comfort of hating the villainous Vee or laughing with the popular Poussey; it’s like a horrible breakup or having a best friend move away.
Watching interviews with the actors, reading articles analyzing each episode, and scrolling through endless Tumblr gifs simply doesn’t cut it for this group of voracious viewers. Most have turned to shows such as “Girls,” “Weeds,” or Netflix’s other original series, “House of Cards,” but these are only a temporary replacement for OITNB and lack its allure.
Relief is in sight, but not for the better part of a year. The third season of this addictive show will be released next June, leaving its fans out in the cold like a litter of abandoned puppies.
So how does a lost puppy function without its mother? Ruby Dener ’16, explains her method of surviving without the show. “I am coping with the long wait with an out of sight, out of mind approach. As long as I don’t have to discuss the show, see the actors, or go to a women’s prison, I can pretend as though the wait isn’t killing me.”
Others are approaching this loss with a more melodramatic attitude. “[I am taking the wait] terribly. I can’t wait any longer. All TV bores me besides OITNB,” Mikaela Dedona ’15 says.
Season two was so popular among its viewers because it contained many flashbacks to the inmates’ lives before prison, revealing the complicated and multi-layered reasons that led to their incarceration.
The only thing left for a fan to do to fill the OITNB void is to speculate about what is coming next.
“I don’t think Alex [Piper’s ex] will show up again, which I’m a little upset about because her manipulative behavior was really intriguing. It was hinted that Piper and Larry will end up back together, but their story is not that exciting to me, so I’m hoping that season three will reveal more backstories of some of the other minor characters,” Izzy Baildon ’17 says.
Orange is the New Black has struck a chord with students at Staples, but it’s not for everyone. For those who prefer to avoid heartbreak, loss, and despair, it is best to stay away.

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