What’s summer without a bunch of trends that burn out before the leaves can change color? Every year there’s something new–whether it be a shocking music video, an absurd fashion accessory or a delicious new treat. This year is defifinitely no exception, and here’s a list of five of them.
Rainbow Loom We’ve seen them everywhere– the colorful bracelets crafted from rubber bands, braided together by every kid in town. The wristbands are sold at most toy stores and swept the nation this summer in particular, since people make them at camp.
We Can’t Stop by Miley Cyrus I’m sure most people can say that this hot song of the summer has been in their heads at one point or another, mainly because it’s so catchy. Plus, what’s better than surveilling a girl who used to be Hannah Montana try and rebel in the R rated music video? “It’s pretty much an advertisement for Beats and Eos,” Mikaela Dedona ’15 said.
Brandy Melville Ever since Brandy, a clothing store, opened in Westport in the spring, Staples students have been going crazy. Everyone has been wearing Brandy head to toe, and this summer is no exception. “It almost creates unity when every girl in Staples High School is wearing the exact same thing,” Noah Prince ’15 said. Look out for hipster crop tops, floral sundresses, and loose shorts throughout the hallways.
Twerking As Urban Dictionary puts it, “twerking” is “the rhythmic gyrating of the lower fleshy extremities in a lascivious manner with the intent to elicit sexual arousal or laughter in one’s intended audience.” And that’s pretty much the only way to describe it: there have been hundreds of YouTube videos posted this summer of people “twerking” in any place imaginable, like Walmart, night clubs, the beach, and even weddings.
Royal Babies Between Kim’s new baby princess, and Kate Middleton’s heir to the throne, this has defi nitely been a summer full of celebrity gossip. “I think Kate’s baby should have been named Spencer because it was Princess Diana’s maiden name,” Marianne Garcia, a secretary at Staples High School said. “I’m just going to call him Spencer anyways.” Although these children have only been kicking for a few months, they have starred on many recent magazines and tabloids.