Graphic by Ellie Kalatzi
Hurricane Sandy is definitely upon us, and if you’re sitting at home waiting for the power to go out, you might as well do so with some nice musical accompaniment. We’ve put together a playlist that you can listen to pre-storm, during storm, and post-storm, and we’ll be updating it as Hurricane Sandy progresses.
“Holocene” – Bon Iver
Calm down. Nothing’s happened yet. The sky is blue, the birds are chirping, and the leaves are still on the trees. Alright, well, none of that is entirely true, but there’s no use freaking out just yet. Just mellow out, listen to some Bon Iver. Try not to look outside at the terrible, horrifying, absolutely awful weather.
“I’ll Be Alright” – Passion Pit
The title says it all. You might want to put this one on repeat.
“Changes” – 2Pac
Changes are-a-comin’. Nothing better to do than accept them with open arms (or sandbagged windows). As 2Pac once said, “Things change. That’s the way it is.” Hurricane Sandy, do your worst. We’re ready.
“The Morning” – The Weeknd
Admittedly, this isn’t the most happy song of all time (as far as I can tell, its subject matter revolves around stealing money and performing other illegal activities). That being said, everyone likes the morning — it’s bright, there’s a lot of light, and it’s a nice time to be outside. For now.
“H.A.M.” – Kanye West & Jay-Z
The storm’s coming. Maybe it’s already arrived. You can hear branches beginning to sway in the wind. There’s no use being sad or frightened — it’s time to get pumped up. Watch the Throne’s “H.A.M.” can help, I promise. Just sing along: “I’m about to go H.A.M.!” If you don’t know what H.A.M. stands for, you might want to Google it.
Update: During Storm
“Sandstorm” – Darude
No, I don’t actually think this is a good song. But the title is “Sandstorm,” which sort of sounds like “Sandy storm,” and this is Hurricane Sandy. Alright, I’ll admit that the connection is a bit vague. Either way, this song might help you stay awake and/or keep you from crying during the worst of the storm.
“Sweet Life” – Frank Ocean
If you’re feeling a bit down, this might help. Ocean sings, “Paradise… palm trees and pools… the water’s blue…” Maybe it can erase the gloom? In reality, though, nothing will be able to erase the dark storm that is currently bearing down upon Westport. Happy thoughts!
“Mercy” – Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha-T, and 2 Chainz
You’ve had enough of the storm. It’s just about time to beg for some mercy… and “Mercy” can help in that regard. Sure, the song’s about a Lamborghini and some questionable intimate activities, but it just might work. Bonus points for rapping along to 2 Chainz’s verse.
“Countdown” – Beyoncé
So, the storm hasn’t stopped yet? I guess “Mercy” didn’t work. Well, there’s not much you can do now except wait for the end. Sing along with Beyoncé, and count down the minutes/hours/days/weeks/years until Hurricane Sandy ends!
“Morning Has Broken” – Cat Stevens
Finally, it’s beginning to end. The sun is rising. The clouds are disappearing. The birds are chirping. The fish are still on your roof! You should probably get rid of those fish. Listen to some Cat Stevens, and get ready for some major clean-up. Just know that the worst has come and gone.
Update: Post-Storm
“About That Life” – Diplo feat. Jahan Lennon
The storm’s over. It’s time to rebuild. It’s time for the sun to shine. It’s time to get back on your feet, to get out of your underground shelter, and to live life again. This song is all about reclaiming what the storm took from you. Are you all “about that life”? Let’s hope so.
“Birthday Song” – 2 Chainz
I’m sorry, but I had to. I don’t really know if this deserves a storm-related explanation. All I can say is that if you need a slightly-inappropriate theme song to get yourself motivated, some 2 Chainz can always help. This song is a masterpiece of epic proportions.
“Nightswimming” – R.E.M.
Your backyard is probably full of water. As long as the storm’s over, why not go for a quick swim? Sure, it might be a bit cold, but you can probably handle it. In all seriousness, though, please don’t go swimming. If you have an insatiable urge to do so, just listen to this song. It’ll quench your thirst for aquatic exercise.
“White Houses” – Vanessa Carlton
Come on. This song is a classic. Sure, it’s almost certainly not about hurricanes. (I’m not at liberty to discuss the subject matter of this particular tune, but a quick Google search will probably clear things up for you.) But many of our houses will be covered with leaves, dirt, sticks, and more. This might just give you the motivation to clean things up, and to make your house white — or whatever color it’s supposed to be — once again.
“All of the Lights” – Kanye West
The power’s back. It’s time to celebrate. Put this song on, crank up your speakers to full volume, and go berserk. You’ve earned it.