The eighth and final installment of the globally captivating “Harry Potter” film franchise is just around the corner, and its movie trailer has just been released.
Warner Bros. released the trailer for “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two” via YouTube on April 27, and it promises as much thrill as is found in the J.K. Rowling novels; Hogwarts engulfed in flames, Hermione tearfully throwing her arms around Harry, Harry and Lord Voldemort pulling each other off the ledge, and, of course, that all-too-familiar slow, broken theme music promise to deliver what diehard Potter fans have been waiting for years to see.
“I never wanted any of you to die for me,” says Potter in the trailer, alluding to one of the book’s most heartbreaking, intense moments.
Staples students have typically demonstrated a positive response to the trailer.
“I think that the trailer was very exciting, and fittingly so – the eighth and final ‘Harry Potter’ movie is shaping up to be just as good as its predecessors,” Ned Hardy ’13 said.
Jessica Fields ’14 was also happy with the trailer, calling it “awesome” and “pretty intense.”
Other students find that their excitement level for the film prior to the release of the trailer did not change after viewing the two-minute video.
“Although the trailer was really intense, it did not necessarily make me more excited than I already am,” Sam Small ’11 said.
Although both Hardy and Fields plan to attend the July 15 midnight premiere of the final ‘Potter’ film, others, who enjoyed the trailer, are disappointed that summer plans will prevent them from attending the event. Avery Suter ’12, for example, a self-proclaimed ‘Potter’ fan, is “really annoyed” that he will be at summer camp when the film premieres.
Kate Schlater ’13 is also “really depressed” that she will be at summer camp on that date.
Students are also identifying minor plot flaws within the trailer that may suggest some changes in the film from the novel.
“Although I think it really hypes the movie up well, [the trailer] does show a few clips of things that diehard fans like myself know to be untrue within the book, like the train part, and Harry and Voldemort jumping off the ledge,” Shira Gitlin ’13 said.
Suter already finds some changes to the film as well: “It’s obvious they changed the final battle a bit, but I don’t mind, because the movie still looks like it’s going to be epic.”
A DigitalSpy.com poll attests to the response from the trailer; 79.8 percent of voters rated the trailer “Excellent.”
In the end, it is apparent that many Staples students are looking forward to the release of the final ‘Potter’ movie this summer.
“Words actually cannot describe my excitement for this movie,” Schlater said. “I am so pumped.”
Scorpio • May 5, 2011 at 7:04 pm
Not watching it, they changed the plot too much
Stephen Kumalo • May 5, 2011 at 12:01 pm
this movie is going to be incredibly dope, ino that a bunch of kids are complaining about how there are some plot flaws but i mean come on who cares!! I for one am actually glad that we are not going to see a ten second long final battle between harry and voldemort where all they do is shoot off ONE single spell at each other. Everything else looks completely intense and epic, fight scenes, graphics, scenery, acting, special effects, bla bla…I am completely ready for this movie and will defintely be one of the thousands of people that are seeing this opening day!!!!
Caleb Savage • May 5, 2011 at 10:40 am
How Long Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 come out July 15th