Anywhere she goes Rebecca Ross ’10 brings along her sketchbook; whenever she has a free moment she draws, even while taking notes during class her notes, which are in her sketchbook. Suddenly it becomes filled with doodles.

Ross has been drawing and creating art for most of her life. But she did not realize until junior year that drawing is her favorite type of art.
“It’s what I do,” Ross said.
However, before she realized this Ross took a variety of other art classes including design and tech, darkroom, and jewelry.
For Ross drawing is a way to help her define her emotional life and express what she wants to say. She thinks of herself as a very visual person.
“I find inspiration from everything around me, coffee cups or people,” said Ross, “I try to capture moments.”
Recently, Ross has been focusing on developing an art portfolio containing her representative and significant art work. Her portfolio, which she will send to a few colleges, will include 15 to 20 pieces.
She hopes to be an art major, possibly in illustration but is currently undecided. Ross’ family is supportive of her and her wish to go to art school.
Ross mainly works on her portfolio at home and with the help of her mom in their studio. Ross’s mom teaches art and helps high school students, like her, develop their portfolios.
Ross draws everyday at home while usually listening to the Dave Mathews Band in order to keep an open mind and help her focus. She also goes to open sketch classes and over the summer does a program at the Pratt Institute.
“There are things that I drew last year that I loved then but I hate now,” Ross said. Herartwork is constantly improving.
Ross believes that creating something in the moment is the fun part. While drawing she tries to problem solve and figure out things on her own.
Ross thinks of herself as more of an independent worker. One thing she was taught that always sticks with her is to “start out drawing light.”
There are many obstacles when drawing; being patient and knowing when to stop are Ross’s biggest challenges.
In the meantime, Ross will take an independent study next semester where she will have the freedom to draw for herself and create what she wants.