Shonda Rhimes bring back “McDreamy”

Derek Shepherd, played by Patrick Dempsey, was one of the main characters in Grey’s Anatomy.
Spoiler alert: if you are very behind on Grey’s Anatomy and don’t follow national news stop reading here.
Whether you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan or not you’ve likely heard that the beloved Derek Shepherd was killed, causing ratings to plummet and viewers everywhere ]upset.
Derek Shepherd’s death is the only TV show death that I’ve heard of making national news. The morning after it aired, it was in newspapers, all over the internet, and was the hot topic of morning news shows because every Grey’s Anatomy viewer felt like they had a relationship with him.
Rumors swirled that it was because he was a “diva” and didn’t get along with director Shonda Rhimes.
Regardless of the reason, I was upset to say the least. Tears were flowing the minute the plug was pulled and the entire two hour special that followed showcasing the aftermath.
Derek or “McDreamy” was the reason for watching Grey’s Anatomy. Patrick Dempsey perfectly captured Derek’s charming sense of humor and had a smile could make any girl swoon after just one episode.
I have shamelessly signed a petition, with already over 100,000 signatures, to have him be brought back from the dead, and I encourage everyone else to as well. It could all have been a nightmare for Derek’s wife, Merideth or some sort of brain trauma that caused weird illusions, but Derek cannot just die all of a sudden because of a lack of well trained doctors.
Dempsey has a contract through next season, so Rhimes, who is also the mastermind behind other favorites “Scandal” and “How to Get Away with Murder,” might as well put him to good use and back in the show.
As Derek Shepherd always said, “It’s a beautiful day to save lives”. So Rhimes please bring him back to life.

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