Appetite for avocado

As it’s finally warming up outside and the sun is starting to shine, avocados are beginning to ripen throughout many grocery stores in town. Avocados are healthy, delicious and can be used in various ways to create delectable and easy-to-make recipes. Here are a few recipes involving the use of the much craved avocado.
1. Avacado Toast
1 slice of sourdough bread
½ of an avocado
Olive oil
Lemon juice
Avocado toast is simple to make and a perfect size for an after school snack. It’s enough that it will hold you over until dinner, but not too much as to cause a fight with your mom on why you won’t finish the chicken she spent “hours” preparing.
To make avocado toast simply toast the piece of sourdough bread to your liking, butter it, smash up the avocado to spread it on the bread, and lastly drizzle the olive oil and lemon juice on top to add both flavor and moisture.
2. Caprese Stuffed Avocado
½ of an avocado
1 handful of cherry tomatoes
5-6 mozzarella pearls
Balsamic vinaigrette
A caprese stuffed avocado is also quick and easy to make and even more healthy than avocado toast. Not only does it transform the avocado into a bowl itself, but it takes the classic caprese salad to a whole new level flavor wise.
To make a caprese stuffed avocado peel the skin from the avocado half, slice the cherry tomatoes into halves and fill the center with the tomatoes and mozzarella pearls. Lastly, drizzle the balsamic vinaigrette on top to your liking.
- Guacamole Topped Bacon Bites
1 avocado
1-2 T Lemon juice
1 pinch of salt
Tomatoes (optional)
Onion (optional)
Although this recipe isn’t as healthy as the avocado toast ot caprese stuffed avocado, it is truly mouth watering. The combination of avocado and bacon may scare some off, but giving it a try is worth it.
To make guacamole topped bacon bites, you first need to cook the bacon to which ever consistency you prefer (crispy or floppy). If you are a multi-tasker, you can prepare the guacamole while the bacon is on the stove.
To make the guacamole, simply smash up your avocado in a bowl, and stir in the lemon juice and salt. If you prefer to add tomatoes and onions to your guacamole, chop them up into small cubes and add them to the bowl.
Once your bacon and guacamole are ready, cut the bacon into about 1.5 inch x 1.5 inch squares and treat them as the buns of a classic hamburger slider. The guacamole will act as the meat as you dollop small scoops of it in between the bacon pieces.