It was crowded, hectic, loud and debilitating. But it was one of the most ridiculous, memorable experiences of my life. Electric Zoo was a music festival some cohorts and I attended last fall, with which we associate many great memories.
The sheer fact that with the movement of a few feet, you could be viewing an entirely different musical act than the last was astounding. The ability to diversify with ease, coupled with this atmosphere that was ripe with energy made it clear that festivals are a different breed of musical experience.
From Electric Zoo to Coachella to BOMB Fest to Camp Bisco, there is a festival that caters to every musical palette beneath the sun. All of these festivals have all star lineups to make any music fan become weak at the knees.
Dakota Voliotes ’11 was one of many to join me at Electric Zoo, and found the entire festival atmosphere to truly be enticing.
“Just the aspect that you’re enjoying an artist you like in an enjoyable public setting with other people and friends makes it more enjoyable than a concert at a venue because the people are more respectful and true fans of the music,” Voliotes said.
Nevona Friedman ’12, who works for record label Partisan Records, is a true festival veteran.
According to her, the perfect approach to getting the best out of these music festivals is to go into them with no specific preference as to who to see. Rather, take it holistically and let the good times find you.
“You shouldn’t go in expecting to see a specific band. It’s easier to just go wanting to have fun and maybe see someone you haven’t seen before,” Friedman said.
These festivals range in location from Cali. to upstate New York to Tenn. Conn. is lucky enough to host BOMB Fest, a music festival held in May at Western Connecticut University. This festival will host such names such as Weezer, Snoop Dogg, and possibly Jake Shore ’13. Upon discovery of the “emerging talent application” on the BOMB fest website, Shore promptly filled out and submitted one.
“It’d be sweet to play with Snoop Dogg and Weezer, but I’d rather play with Dan Deacon and Daedulus. That’d be sweet. [The thought] gives me tingles,” Shore said.
The diverse array of artists available at music festivals is just one reason why this mode of performance remains highly appealing for many students.
“My favorite aspect about summer music festivals is the ability to see so many acts in one day,” Friedman said. “[Festivals] are hectic, but worth it.”